EPOC is searching for 15 exceptionally energetic doctoral colleagues with a certifiable interest in an organized, worldwide, and interdisciplinary preparing program and in testing research work including applied modeling. Candidates are required to have completed or are close to completing an expert degree in financial aspects or related subjects, similar to arithmetic, material science, measurements, or software engineering, with good grades. Sexual orientation uniformity is a significant objective in EPOC and the consortium focuses on the adjusted interest of ladies and men among doctoral colleagues. We encouraged you to must apply for the 15 EPOC Marie Curie Fully Funded PhD Positions in Europe.
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Work in EPOC will consolidate an interdisciplinary exploration plan with an inventive European joint doctoral preparing program. Doctoral colleagues will get alumni instruction in financial aspects and will also pick up aptitude and abilities in information science, network hypothesis, and specialist-based displaying. They will apply these aptitudes in their individual examination ventures. EPOC will offer brilliant help and working conditions just as an animating worldwide and examination arranged climate.
Doctoral colleagues complete exploration at two out of seven European accomplice colleges. Upon graduation, each doctoral individual will get a twofold doctoral certificate from two EPOC colleges. Furthermore, a two-month secondment at a non-scholarly accomplice is an integrative piece of the preparation program. Fruitful applicants will enter three years of an all-day work contract with the enrolling college of their task.
Salary of Marie Curie Ph.D. Students in Europe
Similar to Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship, the salary of the Ph.D. student under the ITN program is made of three parts:
- Living allowance: 3270 €/month
- Mobility allowance: 600 €/month
- Family allowance: 500 €/month
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So, a wedded Ph.D. understudy who works in Denmark under ITN can procure (as gross compensation) 5465€/month. However, a similar Ph.D. understudy working in Germany under ITN reserve gets 4330€/month. By and large, the compensation of Ph.D. understudies in Marie-Curie ITN subsidizing in numerous nations is half more than ordinary understudies in a similar nation.
Application Page: https://epoc-itn.eu/en/research-and-training/individual-epoc-projects/#
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