Ireland Government Scholarship 2025 | Fully Funded

Are you looking for scholarships in Ireland? Then welcome you are at the right place applications are now open for the Ireland Government Scholarship 2025. The scholarships are for the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. level degree programs. Applicants from all over the world can apply for International Education Scholarship (IES). Ireland is ranked among the top 10 for Higher Quality Education.

Ireland Government scholarship offers a Master’s leading to a Ph.D. in any Academic Discipline. Scholarships are available for all academic courses e.g. Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), and Arts, Humanities, and Social Science (AHSS). The medium of instruction is in English. There is no age limit for the scholarship.

There is No Registration Fee. There is a total number of 60 scholarships for the Academic Year 2025 by the Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship. Each year the Council Makes an investment in 280 New Postgraduate Scholarships in Ireland. We encourage you to apply for these Irish Government scholarships in 2025. For further check the provided details below and apply.

Also See: University of Winnipeg Scholarships in Canada

Details about Ireland Government Scholarship 2025

Duration of the Irish Government Scholarship 2025

  • Bachelor’s Degree: 4 years
  • Research Master’s Degree: 1 Year
  • Structured Research Master’s Degree: 2 Years
  • Traditional Doctoral Degree: 3 Years
  • Structured Doctoral Degree: 4 Years

List available Fields

Here are the following lists of fields and majors available for the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship.

  • Engineering
  • Technology
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Humanities
  • Social Science
  • Arts

Scholarship Benefits

The value of the scholarship will be up to a maximum of €31,000 per annum in any approved year and will consist of the following:

  • a stipend of €22,000 per annum;
  • a contribution to fees, including non-EU fees, up to a maximum of €5,750 per annum; and
  • eligible direct research expenses of €3,250 per annum.

Also See: IsDB (Islamic Development Bank) Scholarship| Fully Funded

Universities Offering Irish Scholarships

  • University of Dublin, Trinity College
  • Athlone Institute of Technology
  • Dublin City University
  • University College Dublin
  • Dublin Dental Hospital
  • Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
  • Coláiste Mhuire Marino
  • Technological University Dublin
  • National College of Ireland
  • Institute of Technology, Tralee
  • Waterford Institute of Technology
  • Dundalk Institute of Technology
  • Royal Irish Academy of Music
  • Cork Institute of Technology
  • Maynooth University
  • Royal Irish Academy
  • Institute of Technology, Sligo
  • Institute of Technology, Carlow
  • Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
  • Letterkenny Institute of Technology
  • Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology
  • National University of Ireland, Galway
  • Galway–Mayo Institute of Technology
  • University of Limerick
  • Limerick Institute of Technology
  • University College Cork
  • Mary Immaculate College, Limerick

Eligibility Criteria 

If you want to apply for the Ireland Government Scholarship 2025, you must fulfill the following criteria.

  • Applicants must be non-EU nationals.
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Should be good in extracurricular activities
  • Possess a strong rationale for pursuing their study in Ireland that indicates how GOI-IES fits into their longer-term goals.
  • Final-year students with Bachelor’s Degrees can also Apply For this Scholarship.
  • For a master’s apply should have a bachelor’s degree
  • Should have a bachelor’s or Master’s degree for Ph.D.

Deadline For the Irish Government Scholarships:

The last date to apply for the Ireland Government Scholarship 2025 is 10 October 2025.

Note: If you have any questions regarding the Scholarship please email the following address:

How to Apply!

You must complete the online application with the required documents for this Irish Government Scholarship. For further information and to apply visit the link below. Good Luck!

Official Website of Government of Ireland Scholarship


Q: What is the Government of Ireland – International Education Scholarship Programme (GOI-IES)?
A: For an overview of the GOI-IES, please refer to the GOI-IES Call Document
Q: Who can apply for the GOI-IES?
A: To be eligible to apply for GOI-IES you must:
1) Have a domiciliary of origin outside of the EU/EEA/Switzerland or United Kingdom
2) Have received an offer of a place in a full-time course at an eligible Irish higher education
institution for either:
a. One year of a taught master’s degree program
b. One year of a research program (i.e. one year of a 2-year research master or a 3-
4-year PhD program).
Q: How do I know if my domiciliary of origin makes me eligible for the GOI-IES?
A: To be eligible for the GOI-IES scholarship, an applicant must have been continuously
resident outside the EU/EEA/United Kingdom/Switzerland region for at least 3 of the past 5 years. If
your offer for your course at an Irish higher education institution is as an international, non-EU
student, then you are eligible to apply for GOI-IES.
Q: In the wake of Brexit, are applicants from the United Kingdom eligible to apply for the GOI-IES
A: Applicants from the United Kingdom are not eligible to apply for GOI-IES funding during 2025
Q: What is the closing deadline for the 2025 GOI-IES?
A: The 2025 GOI-IES round will close at 4 pm Irish Time, 10 October 2025.
Q: What are the eligible Irish higher education institutions for this scholarship?
A: For a full list of eligible institutions, please see Appendix 1 of the GOI-IES Call Document
Q: What is an offer letter?
A: To apply for the GOI-IES, all applicants must possess a conditional or final offer of study
from an eligible Irish higher education institution. To receive an offer, the applicant must
first apply to an Irish higher education institution for a course of study. The institution will then issue
the student with an offer if they consider the student eligible for their course.
Q: I do not have an offer letter, can I apply for the GOI-IES?
A: All applicants must possess a valid conditional or final offer letter from an eligible Irish higher
education institution before the closing deadline.
Q: What references should I include in my application?
A: It is up to the applicant to decide what references they feel would best support their application.
Please note, we can only accept letters of reference that are uploaded via the online application
Q: Is there a language requirement for the GOI-IES applications?
A: All applications must be completed in English.
Q: Is there a word limit to the application?
A: Some sections of the application will have word limits, and these will be indicated within the
relevant sections of the application portal.
Q: If I received additional references/offers/documentation after the closing deadline
2025, can I send them to the HEA to add to my scholarship application?
A: Only documentation submitted before the closing deadline for GOI-IES applications.
Q: I have submitted my application, but noticed there was an error/mistake that I need to change. IsIs 
there a way for me to edit a submitted application?
A: We are happy to reset submitted applications back to the draft stage to allow you to make edits to
them, however, we can only do this before the closing deadline. If you wish to
have a submitted application reset to a draft before the closing deadline, please contact Once the deadline has passed, it will no longer be possible to edit
submitted applications.
Q: Can I apply for this scholarship through email/post/telephone?
A: All applications for the GOI-IES must be submitted through the online application portal.
Q: What internet browser is best for accessing the application portal?
A: Up-to-date versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari have all been proven to work with the
application portal. If possible, we would advise against using Internet Explorer. We would also
recommend accessing the application portal through a computer rather than a mobile device if

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